Recombination hotspot

Recombination hotspots are small regions in the genome of sexually reproducing organisms that exhibit highly elevated rates of meiotic recombination. The peak recombination rate within hotspots can be hundreds or thousands of times that of the surrounding region.[1] The PRDM9 protein is suspected to be a cause of hotspots. All hotspots so far characterized share similar morphology and are approximately 1.5 to 2.0 kb in width, which suggests a common causal process. Furthermore, recent studies have used patterns in linkage disequilibrium to identify over 25,000 hotspots in the human genome,[2] suggesting that hotspots are a ubiquitous feature of the genome.

See also

Further reading


  1. ^ Jeffreys, A.J., Kauppi, L., & Neumann, R., "Intensely punctate meiotic recombination in the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex.", Nature Genetics 29, 217-222 (2001)
  2. ^ Myers S., Bottolo L., Freeman C., McVean G. and Donnelly P., "A Fine-Scale Map of Recombination Rates and Hotspots Across the Human Genome", Science, Vol. 310. no. 5746, pp. 321 - 324 (2005)